This example shows how to integrate the report viewer into an application. First, import scripts:

import { StimulsoftViewerModule } from 'stimulsoft-viewer-angular';


	imports: [


Next, define URL template to server controller, initial action and viewer height:

Then, create ViewerController. Next, initialize the viewer:

public IActionResult InitViewer()
	var requestParams = StiAngularViewer.GetRequestParams(this);

	var options = new StiAngularViewerOptions();
	options.Actions.GetReport = "GetReport";
	options.Actions.ViewerEvent = "ViewerEvent";
	options.Appearance.ScrollbarsMode = true;

	return StiAngularViewer.ViewerDataResult(requestParams, options);


After that, load a report:

public IActionResult GetReport()
	var report = StiReport.CreateNewReport();
	var path = StiAngularHelper.MapPath(this, $"Reports/MasterDetail.mrt");

	return StiAngularViewer.GetReportResult(this, report);


Finally, process other viewer requests:

public IActionResult ViewerEvent()
	return StiAngularViewer.ViewerEventResult(this);


In the screenshot below you can see the result of the sample code:

Integrating the Report Viewer into an Application

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