1. Are you tired of sub-reports?

There is no need for you to use sub-reports for rendering complex hierarchical reports. All you should do is to put some bands with data one after another. Everything is so simple and visual. No coding required.

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2. Do you want users of your programs to create and change reports themselves?

Report designer with simple and interactive interface are at your service. The product fully support drag and drop. Minimal time needed for report creation. To call the report designer from the code, all you need is to write one line of the code. No royalties at runtime are required!

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3. Do I have to learn new script language only for writing a couple of code lines?

No you don't have to do it! For writing scripts use C# or VB.NET and you will master all the power of the .NET Framework!

4. Your reports do not work on your clients' machine?

Forget about it! Forget about distributives or COM-objects registration. It is enough to copy some assemblies. No registration in GAC. No registration in Windows registry.

5. Do you pay for every installed version of your products?

Stop paying! No royalties for distribution of the report generator with your programs are required. No royalties for using the report designer at runtime are required. No royalties for using the ASP.NET at runtime are required.

6. Do you need to render a report in PDF or in Excel but all your attempts are failed?

Use Stimulsoft Reports! You will find no problems with export of rendered reports. You may export them using both wizards and coding. 15 kinds of exports of reports are available.

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7. You need to print barcode in your report. Do you have to buy special font?

Save your money. The component for printing barcodes is available for you in Stimulsoft Reports. This component supports more than twenty types of barcodes.

8. Do you need to create a report at runtime from the code and think it is impossible?

Use Stimulsoft Reports. Full support of all abilities for report creation from the code is available for you in Stimulsoft Reports. You may change and create reports from the code without limitation.

9. Do you have difficulties with interface localization?

Easy interface localization in many languages. Interface is fully localized. To localize the report generator you should copy the file with the language you require, and interface will be automatically translated in this language.

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10. Do you want to control your application but source code is not available?

In Stimulsoft Reports, source code (including source code of the report designer) is available for you. All sources are written in C# and entirely structured.

11. Do you have problems with integration of the report generator in your application?

For these purposes we have created special API. Creation, changing, and removing all elements of the report generator is available.

12. Are you creating a few copies of the report so that it will work on several languages?

There is no need to do it! Use simple instrument of Stimulsoft Reports - Globalization Manager. It is enough to create one report and add localized texts and images you need.

13. When it is necessary to change a form for query of parameters you have to recompile your application?

Stimulsoft Reports allows you to create forms of parameters in the report designer. All forms are saved in the report. There is no need to recompile!

See Video

14. Do you use products of other companies to create charts?

Stimulsoft Reports offers you the component for creation charts in the report designer. Many chart types and a lot of options for them are available.

See Video

15. Do your data require processing before printing?

It is no longer the problem! Using our report generator you may sort, filter and group your data. There is no need to write queries. Sorting, filtering and grouping can be applied to any data sources.

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16. Are you tired of creating reports for Web and Win separately?

Save your time! Use the universal way for creating reports. The report which was created for Win, will work in Web and vice versa.

17. Multicolumn reports give you a lot of trouble?

Stimulsoft Reports supports all kinds of multicolumn reports. Work with multicolumn reports is maximally simplified.

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18. You report generator does not support all required data types?

Creating reports on the base of ADO.NET, business objects, arrays, collections, XML, SQL, OleDB, ODBC, Oracle data sources at your service. In addition, your report may acquire all necessary data from external sources by itself.

19. Is it necessary for you to store reports in databases?

No problems at all. A lot of methods for saving and loading reports are available in Stimulsoft Reports. You may save and load reports from files, streams, strings, arrays. If it is necessary you also may save reports being packed. You may save reports as source code (in C# or VB.NET). Furthermore, Stimulsoft Reports offers you unique ability of compilation reports in assemblies!

20. Changing rendered reports is a big problem for you and your users?

Coupled with Stimulsoft Reports you may edit data in the window of preview! Besides you may run the Designer from the window of preview and edit any page of the rendered report.

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