New Features
1.The new IBM Db2 data adapter.
2.The PrintOn property is extended on all components.
3.New system variables: IsFirstPage, IsLastPage.
4.The new NumberOfPass property is added to report.
5.The new total function - AvgDate.
6.The LinesOfUnderling property is replaced with the LinesOfUnderline property. Using this new property you can select style of underlining. All old reports will be converted automatically.
7.The Alias property is added to the database.
8.The Odbc connection string builder is added.
9.The Sql connection string builder is added.
10.The PrintAtFirstPage property is replaced with the PrintOn property. All old reports will be converted automatically.
11.The new PrintMode property is added to the StiWebViewer.
12.The new ShowZeros property is added to Chart series.
13.The new ShowInPercent property is added to Chart series labels.
14.The new Title property added to Chart property.
15.The new YAxis property is added to each series. You can specify on which axis values from series will be shown.
16.Now you can add Strips to the Chart component.
17.Now you can add Constant Lines to the Chart component.
18.The new StiReport.CompileReportsToAssembly static method.
19.The TextOptions.WordWrap property of the Text component is renamed on the WordWrap. All old reports will be converted automatically.
20.The TextOptions.Angle property of the Text component is renamed on the Angle. All old reports will be converted automatically.
21.The new RightToLeft property is added to the Page. This property controls the direction of column rendering.
22.The new RightToLeft property is added to the Databand. This property controls the direction of column rendering.
23.Now you can create not assigned DateTime? variables in the report dictionary.
24.Now you can sort data at hierarchical band.
25.Now you can load packed reports and unpacked reports with the Load method of the report.
26.Now you can save and load packed reports under .Net 1.1 too.
27.The new LabelsOffset property to all line series.
28.The new Collate property is added to the report.
29.The new Double Click event added to component.
30.The iif function is added. Example of using: iif(condition, value1, value2).
31.The IsNull function is added. Example of using: IsNull(Customers, 'Name').
32.The new PaperSize property is added to the page.
33.The new Restrictions property is added to all components. Using this property you can use the StiOptions.Designer.Restrictions static options.
34.Now you can hide properties from the property grid. Example: StiConfig.HideProperty('Enabled').
35.The CSV Export: The Tag property may contain the following: Column: "FieldName" "{Expression}". In this case the new "FieldName" column with {Expression} will be added.
36.The new Chart wizard is added.
37.The special wizard is added to the operation of drag&drop of DataSource to the page.
38.The new Size context menu item is added to the designer.
39.The new Align context menu item is added to the designer.
40.Now the TextEditor tool supports the RichText component.
41.Localization to Dutch is added.
42.Text export is updated.
43.New mode of export to html - Div.
44.The new Cross-tab wizard is added.
45.The 'Add Page Breaks' option is added to export to the Mht.
46.The 'Add Page Breaks' option is added to export to the Html.
47.Now you can adjust image quality in the export to the Rtf.
48.Now you can adjust image quality in the export to the Excel.
49.Now export to pdf supports a gradient brush.
50.Now export to pdf supports an image from the watermark.
51.Now you can export reports to the Microsoft Excel 2007 format.
52.New events ProcessExport and ProcessSendEMail are added to the StiPreviewControl.
53.The new StartFromZero property is added to the YAxis of Chart component.
54.Now the Range property is available for the YAxis at Chart component.
55.Two new EnumeratorType and EnumeratorSeparator properties are added to the CrossRow and CrossColumn components.
56.The new HorAlignment property is added to Cross-Tab component.
57.Styles to the Cross-Tab component editor are added.
58.The new member of the SummaryType property - None. Now you can output in Cross-Tab component not numeric values.
59.The new EmptyValue property is added to Cross-Tab component.
60.The new StiPreviewControl.LoadPreviewControl static event.
61.Now you can export reports to the Microsoft XPS format.
62.Now the CheckBox supports the Editable property.
63.Now the RichText component supports the Editable property.
64.The component System Text is merged to the Text component.
65.The new RichTextBox control is added to dialogs.
66.Dimension lines to all operation of resizing and moving component in report designer is added.
67.Context menu items 'Send to Back' and 'Bring to Front' are replaced with the new 'Order' menu item.
68.New abilities to edit multiple selected objects as one table.

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