This example shows how to display the Report Viewer in the Right-To-Left mode. It is enough to set the option StiOptions.Viewer.RightToLeft to the StiRightToLeftType.Yes value. This can be done in the application initialization method:
public Form1()
	StiOptions.Viewer.RightToLeft = StiRightToLeftType.Yes;
	// Required for Windows Form Designer support

In the Form1_Load() event, load the report:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
	if (File.Exists("..\\BookmarksAndHyperlinks.mrt")) stiReport1.Load("..\\BookmarksAndHyperlinks.mrt");
	else MessageBox.Show("File \"BookmarksAndHyperlinks.mrt\" not found");

	stiReport1.Info.Zoom = panel1.Zoom;
	if (stiReport1.CompiledReport != null) stiReport1.CompiledReport.Info.Zoom = panel1.Zoom;

Also, you can read more about this in the article Right to Left mode for other components.
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Using the Right-To-Left Mode in the Viewer

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