This example shows how to create a simple report in Runtime. Let's create the report with the header, data, totals and show it in the viewer. First, create a new report and add data source to the dictionary:
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
	StiReport report = new StiReport();
	// Add data to datastore
	// Fill dictionary
	StiPage page = report.Pages[0];


Add a Header Band with Text Boxes and assign data titles to them:

	// Create HeaderBand
	StiHeaderBand headerBand = new StiHeaderBand();
	headerBand.Height = 0.5;
	headerBand.Name = "HeaderBand";
	// Create text on header
	StiText headerText = new StiText(new RectangleD(0, 0, 5, 0.5));
	headerText.Text = "CompanyName";
	headerText.HorAlignment = StiTextHorAlignment.Center;
	headerText.Name = "HeaderText";
	headerText.Brush = new StiSolidBrush(Color.LightGreen);


Next, add a Data Band with Text Boxes, which contain references to the data fields:

	// Create Databand
	StiDataBand dataBand = new StiDataBand();
	dataBand.DataSourceName = "Customers";
	dataBand.Height = 0.5;
	dataBand.Name = "DataBand";
	// Create text
	StiText dataText = new StiText(new RectangleD(0, 0, 5, 0.5));
	dataText.Text = "{Line}.{Customers.CompanyName}";
	dataText.Name = "DataText";


Next, add a Footer Band with Text Box, which contain a function of data totals:

// Create FooterBand
	StiFooterBand footerBand = new StiFooterBand();
	footerBand.Height = 0.5;
	footerBand.Name = "FooterBand";
	// Create text on footer
	StiText footerText = new StiText(new RectangleD(0, 0, 5, 0.5));
	footerText.Text = "Count - {Count()}";
	footerText.HorAlignment = StiTextHorAlignment.Right;
	footerText.Name = "FooterText";
	footerText.Brush = new StiSolidBrush(Color.LightGreen);


In the end, show a report in the viewer:


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Creating Report at Runtime

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