Новые возможности
1.A new AllowApplyStyle property is added to Chart
2.A new Glass Brush brush type is added
3.A new Image Compression Method property is added to the PDF export
4.A new Import.CrystalReports.exe tool is added to Stimulsoft Reports.Web
5.A new ITF14 type of barcodes
6.A new Label Wizard report wizard in Designer.Web
7.A new MergeHeaders property is added to the CrossTab Field
8.A new OpenLinksInFrame property is added to StiWebViewer
9.A new SaveMode property is added to the StiWebDesigner
10.A new SeriesLabels property is added to the Series
11.A new Sort property is added to the Cross-Tab
12.A new static StiOptions.Engine.OldChartPercentMode property is added
13.A new static StiOptions.Export.Word2007.LineHeightExactly property
14.A new static StiOptions.Export.Word2007.RightMarginCorrection property
15.A new static StiOptions.Export.Word2007.SpaceBetweenCharacters property
16.A new Style18 chart style is added
17.Charts can be used in Designer.Web
18.Designer.Web now supports the CheckBox component
19.Designer.Web now supports the Clone component
20.Designer.Web now supports the SubReport component
21.Export to Dif is added
22.Export to Sylk is added
23.Localization in Croatian is added
24.Localization in Hungarian is added
25.Localization in Polish is added
26.Localization in Serbian is added
27.Localization of the Designer.Web is added
28.Localization to Georgian is added
29.New CuttedPieList and Distance properties are added to the PieSeries
30.New functions are added to the Dictionary. Here are they: ToCurrencyWordsFr, ToCurrencyWordsEs, ToCurrencyWordsNl, ToCurrencyWordsEnGb and ToCurrencyWordsPtBr
31.New properties such as TopSide, LeftSide, BottomSide, RightSide are added to the RectanglePrimitive and the RoundedRectanglePrimitive components
32.New StiPage.SaveDocument, StiPage.LoadDocument methods are added
33.New ToWordsPl, ToCurrencyWordsPl, DateToStrPl functions are added to the report dictionary
34.Now Designer.Web supports data adapters
35.Now HTML tags can be used in exports to PDF, HTML and Rtf as a text
36.Now the Component Style has the Image property
37.Now you can change border parameters for each border sides
38.Now you can see report compilation errors
39.Now you can set some restrictions to the web designer with help of the StiWebDesignerOptions class
40.Now you can switch color scheme of a report designer via the Options form
41.The AllowHtmlTags property has been added to the Text component
42.The BrushType property is added to the ChartStyle
43.The DateTime type is supported in the CrossTab component for Max, Min, and Average functions
44.The DateTimePicker in the WebViewer dialogs is localized
45.The Font property is added to the BarCode
46.The ImageRotation property is added to the Image component
47.The KeepCrossTabTogether property is added to the Cross-Tab component
48.The KeepSubReportTogether property is added to the Sub-Report component
49.The Margins property is added to the RichText
50.The Master-Detail Wizard is added to Designer.Web
51.The MasterComponent is added to the Chart component
52.The OpenLinksInNewWindow property has been added to the StiWebViewer
53.The PostgreSql CoreLab adapter is added
54.The PrinterSettings.Duplex property has been added to a report
55.The TextAlignment property is added to the XAxis in Chart
56.The UniDirect adapter is added
57.Two chart styles Style16 and Style17 are added
58.We have added a combo box to the property grid
59.We have added the first report wizard to our Designer.Web

1.Columns support is updated in Designer.Web
2.Editors for ConstantLines and Strips are added in Designer.Web
3.Improvements in the Report Dictionary
4.Now export to Excel, Excel2007 support the HideZeros property
5.Some improvements in GUI of the Designer.Web
6.Some improvements in Image, Chart and BarCodes drawing in Designer.Web
7.Some improvements in PDF, XPS and RTF exports
8.Some improvements in the export to RTF
9.Some improvements in the ribbon panel in Designer.Web
10.Some improvements in the WYSIWYG mode text rendering
11.Some improvements in working with Fonts in the Designer.Web
12.Some modifications of Designer.Web
13.The Cross-Tab component now can work with interaction
14.The Dock property is replaced on the DockStyle property. Old reports will be converted automatically
15.The StiWebDesignerOptions class is updated in Designer.Web

Исправлены ошибки
1.A bug with RenderingEvent of page
2.A problem with text drawing in the WYSIWYG mode in some cases
3.Control symbols are now displayed correctly in EAN128a, EAN128b
4.Incorrect behavior of the PrintOnAllPages property in some situations
5.Small corrections in auto series colors
6.Small corrections in the BarCode painter
7.Some bugs in report wizards in Designer.Web
8.Some bugs with brushes in Designer.Web
9.Some bugs with HTML Tags in the PDF export
10.Some bugs with PropertyGrid in Designer.Web
11.Some bugs with the Property Grid in Designer.Web
12.Some changes in the InvokeFullScreen method
13.Some corrections in drawing BarCodes with transparency in Designer.Web
14.Some corrections in exports
15.Some corrections in the BarCodes
16.Some corrections in the Chart Styles
17.Some corrections in the EngineV2
18.Some corrections in the Export to Word2007
19.Some corrections in the page drawing in Designer.Web
20.Some corrections in the progress bar in Designer.Web
21.Some corrections in work of the PrintOn property
22.Some fixes in EngineV2
23.Some problems in Chart Styles
24.Some problems in text render on Win64 OS
25.Some problems in the GroupHeaderBand component in Designer.Web
26.Some problems with business objects
27.Some problems with charts
28.Some problems with columns
29.Some problems with CrossBands
30.Some problems with DateTime variables
31.Some problems with Designer.Web
32.Some problems with Dialogs
33.Some problems with export to Excel2007
34.Some problems with names which contain spaces
35.Some problems with progress information
36.Some problems with sorting in the Virtual DataSources
37.Some problems with the border brush in Designer.Web
38.Some problems with the cache mode and the EngineV2
39.Some problems with the Chart Title
40.Some problems with the cross primitives and sub-reports
41.Some problems with the Cross-Tab component and DateTime values
42.Some problems with the CrossTab component
43.Some problems with the DataBand component
44.Some problems with the Dictionary
45.Some problems with the EngineV1
46.Some problems with the EngineV2
47.Some problems with the EngineV2 and the PageNumber
48.Some problems with the ExcelSheet property
49.Some problems with the HatchBrush in Designer.Web
50.Some problems with the ImageUrl property and compiled reports
51.Some problems with the JPEG export
52.Some problems with the LineMarker in Charts
53.Some problems with the panel component
54.Some problems with the PreviewSettings property
55.Some problems with the PropertyGrid
56.Some problems with the PropertyGrid in Designer.Web
57.Some problems with the report engine
58.Some problems with the ResetPageNumber property
59.Some problems with the Scatter series
60.Some problems with the StiGetDrillDownReportEventHandler property
61.Some problems with the SubReports property
62.Some problems with the text brush in Designer.Web
63.Some problems with the Text.TextOptions property
64.Some problems with the ToWords function
65.Some problems with the UseExternalReport property of SubReport
66.Some problems with theme in the report designer
67.Some problems with threading
68.Some problems with Totals
69.Some problems with totals and components with spaces in a name
70.Some problems with web dialogs
71.Some problems with zoom in the report designer

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