This example shows how to configure report caching. Here is three examples of caching report - Default, File, MS SQL.

First, you need to add the StiNetCoreViewer component to the view page. Also, you need to pass the StiNetCoreViewerOptions object to the constructor. The minimum required options are two actions - GetReport and ViewerEvent:
@using Stimulsoft.Report.Mvc;


@Html.StiNetCoreViewer(new StiNetCoreViewerOptions()
    Actions =
        GetReport = "GetReport",
        ViewerEvent = "ViewerEvent"

Let's start with Default caching. First, create StiDefaultCacheHelper class:
public class StiDefaultCacheHelper : StiCacheHelper
	public override StiReport GetReport(string guid)
		return base.GetReport(guid);

	public override void SaveReport(StiReport report, string guid)
		base.SaveReport(report, guid);

	public override void RemoveReport(string guid)

Then, create DefaultCacheController method:
public DefaultCacheController() {
	StiNetCoreViewer.CacheHelper = new StiDefaultCacheHelper();

Finally, create report loading method:
public IActionResult GetReport(int id = 1)
	var report = new StiReport();
	report.Load(StiNetCoreHelper.MapPath(this, "Reports/TwoSimpleLists.mrt"));
	return StiNetCoreViewer.GetReportResult(this, report);

Next, File caching. First, create StiFileCacheHelper class:
public class StiFileCacheHelper : StiCacheHelper
	public override StiReport GetReport(string guid)
		var path = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("CacheFiles"), guid);
		if (File.Exists(path))
			var report = new StiReport();
			var packedReport = File.ReadAllText(path);
			if (guid.EndsWith(GUID_ReportTemplate)) report.LoadPackedReportFromString(packedReport);
			else report.LoadPackedDocumentFromString(packedReport);

			return report;
		return null;

	public override void SaveReport(StiReport report, string guid)
		var packedReport = guid.EndsWith(GUID_ReportTemplate) ? report.SavePackedReportToString() : report.SavePackedDocumentToString();
		var path = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("CacheFiles"), guid);
		File.WriteAllText(path, packedReport);

	public override void RemoveReport(string guid)
		var path = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("CacheFiles"), guid);
		if (File.Exists(path))

Then, create FileCacheController method:
public FileCacheController()
	StiNetCoreViewer.CacheHelper = new StiFileCacheHelper();

Finally, create report loading method:
public IActionResult GetReport(int id = 1)
	var report = new StiReport();
	report.Load(StiNetCoreHelper.MapPath(this, "Reports/TwoSimpleLists.mrt"));
	return StiNetCoreViewer.GetReportResult(this, report);

The last, MS SQL caching. First, create StiMSSQLCacheHelper class:
public class StiMSSQLCacheHelper : StiCacheHelper
	// Please use your own database connection
	private string connectionString = @"Data Source=;Initial Catalog=SampleDB;Integrated Security=False;User ID=******;Password=******;";

	public override StiReport GetReport(string guid)
		var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

			var query = $"SELECT Guid, Value FROM ReportCache WHERE Guid='{guid}'";
			var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
			var reader = command.ExecuteReader();

			if (reader.HasRows)
				var packedReport = reader.GetString(1);

				var report = new StiReport();
				if (guid.EndsWith(GUID_ReportTemplate)) report.LoadPackedReportFromString(packedReport);
				else report.LoadPackedDocumentFromString(packedReport);

				return report;
		catch (SqlException ex)

		return null;

	public override void SaveReport(StiReport report, string guid)
		var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

			var query = $"DELETE FROM ReportCache WHERE Guid='{guid}'";
			var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection);

			var packedReport = guid.EndsWith(GUID_ReportTemplate) ? report.SavePackedReportToString() : report.SavePackedDocumentToString();
			query = $"INSERT INTO ReportCache (Guid, Value) VALUES ('{guid}', '{packedReport}')";
			command = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
		catch (SqlException ex)

	public override void RemoveReport(string guid)
		var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

			var query = $"DELETE FROM ReportCache WHERE Guid='{guid}'";
			var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
		catch (SqlException ex)

Then, create MSSQLCacheController method:
public MSSQLCacheController()
	StiNetCoreViewer.CacheHelper = new StiMSSQLCacheHelper();

Finally, create report loading method:
public IActionResult GetReport(int id = 1)
	var report = new StiReport();
	report.Load(StiNetCoreHelper.MapPath(this, "Reports/TwoSimpleLists.mrt"));
	return StiNetCoreViewer.GetReportResult(this, report);

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Configuring Report Caching

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