Stimulsoft PDF Forms 2024.1

Veröffentlicht am 13. Dezember 2023
Neue Möglichkeiten
1.The Form Tree panel, which displays the hierarchy of form components and also provides component search.
2.A drop-down list of form components in the properties panel allows for quickly switching between the properties of these components.
3.Ability to change the date in the Date Time Picker component when the Initial Value property is set to 'Current'.
4.Counter in the names of form pages. Now each page has a unique name.

1.Updating the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient library version 3.1.3 to 3.1.5, and version 5.1.1 to 5.1.5 due to reports of a critical vulnerability.

Behobene Fehler
1.The error is related to the display of the Get Data item in the "File" menu of the form designer.

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