Новые возможности |
1. | Support for DateOnly and TimeOnly types has been added for the report variables and data columns.V2024.3.1RWebRNetDWebDWinDJSBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
2. | The Heatmap chart has been added to JavaScript reports and dashboards.V2024.3.1RJSDJSBICloudBIServer |
3. | Additional properties have been added to the DataBar Condition - CornerRadius, Padding and Text Placement, Also, brush can be taken from a component.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRJSBIDesigner |
4. | An option to control synchronization behavior in the data dictionary has been added.V2024.3.1RNetRWpfDWinBIDesigner |
5. | Permission from JS Events. Added form and options.V2024.3.1RJSDJS |
6. | The option to duplicate chart series.V2024.3.1RNetBIDesigner |
7. | An option to select the default report save format has been added.V2024.3.1RNetRWpfDWinBIDesigner |
8. | A new type - Text - of variable has been added. It is used for entering multi-line text in the viewer parameters.V2024.3.1RNetDWinBIDesigner |
9. | Added the ability for Interaction to address each argument in the dashboard chart separately if more than one argument is specified.V2024.3.1DWinBIDesigner |
10. | Te new FixedHeight property has been added to the Combo Box, Tree View Box, and Date Picker elements.V2024.3.1DWebDWinDJSBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
11. | Connecting tooltip for menu captions.V2024.3.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
12. | A static event - StiOptions.Engine.GlobalEvents.GetDefaultFont - has been added. This event helps in replacing default fonts for all components.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWinBIDesigner |
13. | Support for creating user functions in the report designer.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRJSDWebDWinDJSBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
14. | Support for native names of geographical objects when manually entered for maps of China, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, Poland.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRJSRWpfDWebDWinDJSBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
15. | The ability to set export settings has been added, and classes of export settings have been added to the corresponding events.V2024.3.1RPythonDPython |
16. | A new functions - ToCurrencyWordsRu() - has been added.V2024.3.1RJava |
17. | The "Show Zeros" property has been added for Range Chart.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRJSRWpfBIDesigner |
18. | Handle line breaks using "" and "" in text when creating scripts in Blockly.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRJSRWpfDWebDWinDJSDPHPDPythonDBlazorBIDesigner |
19. | Sorting in a "Heatmap" type chart by the values of the X and Y fields.V2024.3.2DWebDWinDJSDPHPDPythonDBlazorBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
20. | The AddCustomAttribute option has been added for the report designer. If this option is set, the "component-name" attribute will be added to the dashboard elements in the DOM, the value of which will be the name of this element.V2024.3.3RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
21. | A new Scale Mode option when exporting dashboards has been added. It allows you to export the dashboard as it appears in the viewer, or as it was set during design.V2024.3.3DWebDWinBIDesigner |
22. | The onDatabaseConnect event has been added. It allows you to control connection parameters, also allows you to create your own connection and pass it in the event arguments.V2024.3.3RPythonDPython |
23. | "Percent of Total" and "Category - Percent of Total" values for the "Style" property of the labels in the 3D Pie chart.V2024.3.4DWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
24. | The 'Show Zeros' option for certain chart types.V2024.3.5DJS |
Улучшения |
1. | Loading and displaying dashboards in the WPF viewer.V2024.3.1RWpfDWin |
2. | The vertical scroll bar for the editor of the Regional Map element.V2024.3.1DWin |
3. | The behavior when installing product packages has been changed: by default, only the necessary modules are installed. Additional modules can be installed separately or using the [ext] installation parameter.V2024.3.1RPythonDPython |
4. | Update Angular to 16.V2024.3.1RAngularRJavaDAngularFForms |
5. | Default states for sorting the list of variable values in the options panel for the .NET Core viewer. Previously, by default all values were sorted.V2024.3.1RWebDWeb |
6. | Behavior of the "Max (Data Rows)" parameter for dashboards. If the parameter is set to 0, then when opening a template in the designer, queries to data sources are not performed.V2024.3.1DWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
7. | Optimized the display of report rendering progress in the WinForms viewer and designer.V2024.3.1RNetBIDesigner |
8. | Work with the "Map" component in reports has been optimized.V2024.3.2RWebRNetRJS |
9. | Some improvements regarding using of the calculation mode editor are made.V2024.3.2RNetDWinBIDesigner |
10. | An improvement with using nested parameters in hyperlinks in dashboards has been fixed.V2024.3.2DWinBIDesigner |
11. | An improvement with using nested parameters in tooltips in dashboards has been fixed.V2024.3.2DWinBIDesigner |
12. | The order in which blockly.js scripts are loaded and executed, as in some cases the script would start executing at a time when it had not yet been fully loaded.V2024.3.3RJSDJS |
13. | Reduce PDF size with embedded fonts.V2024.3.3RJava |
14. | Dashboard export to PDF format has been significantly improved, together with the new Scale Mode option, it allows you to get the desired result.V2024.3.3DWebDWinBIDesigner |
15. | Improved operation of Python component events, added new event assignment options.V2024.3.3RPythonDPython |
16. | Displays properties in the "Labels" group that are available for editing. If the "Allow Apply Style" property in the "Labels" group is set to "True", some properties will not be displayed because their values will be obtained from the component style.V2024.3.4RNetBIDesigner |
Исправлены ошибки |
1. | Displaying the value in the hover tooltip for the "Region Map" dashboard element when using the Gray design style.V2024.3.1RNetRWpfDWin |
2. | Initialization of the user value in the variable when viewing the report has been implemented.V2024.3.1RJSDJS |
3. | Error when using MathFormula in Blazor has been fixed.V2024.3.1RBlazor |
4. | The text element with the "Export as Image" property has not been displayed in JS.V2024.3.1RJS |
5. | Retrieve columns with schema name in JS.V2024.3.1RJS |
6. | Reports opened by dropping them into Designer ignored the AutoSynchronize option.V2024.3.1RNetDWinBIDesigner |
7. | A problem with saving font size of the Text in Cells component to the JSON format has been fixed.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRWpfRAvaloniaBICloudBIDesignerBIServer |
8. | Error related to collapsing in the report.V2024.3.1RJS |
9. | Processing values when using the FiscalMonthIdent() function in dashboard charts.V2024.3.1DJS |
10. | Color error for the "Child" band when editing a report.V2024.3.1RWebRJSBICloudBIServer |
11. | Definitions of the first day of the week in Data Picker when changing the report culture and browser settings.V2024.3.1RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
12. | Export a report to a Microsoft Word file from code for Blazor components.V2024.3.1RBlazor |
13. | Drawing a list of icons for an Icon Set type of a condition.V2024.3.1RNetRWpfDWin |
14. | An issue with the table headers' rendering at different scales in Dashboards has been fixed.V2024.3.1DWinBIDesigner |
15. | Update commands on the Ribbon toolbar when selecting a component in the Report Tree panel in the WPF v2 report designer.V2024.3.1RWpf |
16. | Passing the data type of a parameter, in cases where a variable is used as a parameter in queries to SQL data sources.V2024.3.1RJS |
17. | Processing empty values for charts.V2024.3.1RJSDJS |
18. | A bug with cache for Data Sources in report has been fixed.V2024.3.1RJSDJS |
19. | Pivot Table Summary fields with expressions.V2024.3.1DWebDWinDJSDPHPDPythonDBlazorDAngular |
20. | The operation of the "Text After" and "Text Before" properties when using Date Time Step in charts has been fixed.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRJSRWpfBIDesigner |
21. | Removing merged cells in a Table component.V2024.3.1RNetBIDesigner |
22. | Displaying a QR code after exporting a report.V2024.3.1RAvalonia |
23. | Processing columns in a container.V2024.3.1RJava |
24. | "Show Nulls" and "Show Zeros" properties did not control values on both axis for Scatter Chart.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRJSDWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
25. | Using expressions to calculate a value in a Pivot Table.V2024.3.1DJS |
26. | Support for the Port parameter in the connection string for StiOracleDevartConnector.V2024.3.1RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWinBIDesigner |
27. | Processing an expression that contains the name of the relation in the dashboard elements.V2024.3.1DWebDWinDJSBIDesigner |
28. | Processing negative values for a Funnel chart.V2024.3.1DJS |
29. | Loading images in the "Table" dashboard element.V2024.3.1DJS |
30. | ToCurrencyWords() function.V2024.3.1RJava |
31. | Cross-Tab date summaries.V2024.3.1RJS |
32. | An error when exporting a dashboard to a PDF document if the page size is defined as “Tabloid”.V2024.3.2DWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
33. | An issue with resetting variables to its default state has been fixed.V2024.3.2RNetDWinBIDesigner |
34. | Processing some paths for Node.js in Python.V2024.3.2RPythonDPython |
35. | An error when copying the "Electronic Signature" component in the report designer.V2024.3.2RWebRJSBICloudBIServer |
36. | Removing User Function when creating a new report data dictionary.V2024.3.2RJSDJS |
37. | An export of "Gauge" to PDF document.V2024.3.2RNetRWpf |
38. | Alternating colors for rows in the "Pivot Table" dashboard element.V2024.3.2DJS |
39. | Exports a report to SVG in Node.js if the "Compress to Archive" option is set in the export settings.V2024.3.2RJSDJS |
40. | Localization of the report designer when it is relaunched.V2024.3.2RJSDJS |
41. | Initializing types for columns when creating a SQLite data source.V2024.3.2RWebRNetDWebDWinBIDesigner |
42. | Indentations when printing reports for Blazor components.V2024.3.2RBlazorDBlazor |
43. | The scale of dashboard elements when viewed in "Full Screen" mode.V2024.3.2DWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
44. | An issue with parsing an expression in BackColor property has been fixed.V2024.3.2RWebRNetDWinBIDesigner |
45. | It was impossible to apply filter to Others bar in TopN function of chart.V2024.3.2DWinBIDesigner |
46. | A bug with resetting values of variables to thier default states in the compilation mode has been fixed.V2024.3.2RNetDWinBIDesigner |
47. | Export of the "Map" component in reports.V2024.3.2RWpfDWin |
48. | Positioning labels in a pie chart when exporting a report to a PDF document.V2024.3.2RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWin |
49. | Processing data for the "Regional Map" dashboard element when exporting the dashboard to PDF, Html, Excel, Image files.V2024.3.2DWebDWin |
50. | Display image in page watermark when exporting a document to PDF.V2024.3.4RJavaDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
51. | Duplicating the "Continue" button in the notification window.V2024.3.3RJSDJS |
52. | Spontaneous change of orientation when selecting the report page size.V2024.3.3RNetBIDesigner |
53. | Error saving the 'return type' parameter when creating user-defined functions.V2024.3.2RJSBIDesigner |
54. | Wrapping property labels in the Property Panel in the WPF v2 Report Designer.V2024.3.3RWpfBIDesigner |
55. | Display of controls in the filter editor when using data transformation.V2024.3.2RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
56. | HTML text when exporting a report to Microsoft Excel File.V2024.3.3RJava |
57. | Spontaneous change of the relation name when editing it.V2024.3.2RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
58. | Determining the data type of values when changing the field type from Dimension to Measure in a data transformation.V2024.3.3RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
59. | Displaying SVG images in the "Indicator" and "Progress" dashboard elements.V2024.3.3DJS |
60. | Connecting to Firebird data storage.V2024.3.3RJSDJS |
61. | Displaying Headers in a JSON data source.V2024.3.3RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
62. | Displaying text when the Line Height property is not set to 1 and the vertical alignment is not top.V2024.3.3RNetBIDesigner |
63. | The HTML parser incorrectly processed the attributes "strong," "em," "strike," "font-color," "font-face," and "font-family".V2024.3.3RJava |
64. | Handling the Cards element when opening a dashboard in a WPF viewer.V2024.3.3DWin |
65. | Drawing borders of elements in a certain order of their arrangement, as well as the loss of some geometric shapes when exporting a report to an image, in the .NET Core reporting tool.V2024.3.3RWeb |
66. | The relation between the values and their labels in the chart, in cases where the labels were obtained from the Tag property.V2024.3.3RWebRNetRJSRWpfRBlazorBIDesigner |
67. | Getting schema for JSON data sources.V2024.3.3RNetRJS |
68. | Save a report with the ability to specify the file markup (xml or json) as an extension to the report name (reports.json) in the "File Name" line of the "Save As" window.V2024.3.3RNetRWpf |
69. | Loading a report when using the options.Server.PassFormValues option in Angular Viewer.V2024.3.4RAngularDAngular |
70. | Saving variable values for Hungarian browser localization.V2024.3.4RJSDJS |
71. | Applying a style to the Table component in reports.V2024.3.4RJS |
72. | Connecting to a GraphQL source and obtaining data from it to build reports and dashboards.V2024.3.4RJSDJS |
73. | Some errors related to receiving and processing GUID type data.V2024.3.4RJSDJS |
74. | Calling the resource editor by double-clicking the left mouse button.V2024.3.4RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
75. | Displaying lines in Scatter Line type charts when using Axis Range.V2024.3.4RWebRNetRWpfDWebDWinDBlazorBIDesigner |
76. | Rendering a Bubble chart when exporting a report to a Microsoft PowerPoint file from .NET Core components.V2024.3.4RBlazor |
77. | Processing NaN values in report events when compiling a report.V2024.3.4RNet |
78. | Handling empty expression in chart filters.V2024.3.4RWebRNetRWpfBIDesigner |
79. | Calculating the size of the 'No Result' icon in the 'Indicator' element when viewing the dashboard.V2024.3.5DWebDJS |
80. | Displaying the 'Indicator' element with a transparent background when viewing the dashboard.V2024.3.5DWebBICloudBIServer |
81. | Substituting the variable value as the file name when exporting the 'Table' element, in cases where the variable is used in the header of the element.V2024.3.5DWin |
82. | Opening a report from the 'Form' component in the web designer.V2024.3.5RWebRJSDWebDJSBICloudBIServer |
83. | Using headers in the JSON data source for Blazor WASM components.V2024.3.5RBlazor |
84. | Content-Security-Policy nonce support.V2024.3.5RWebRAngularRJavaDWebDAngular |
85. | Handling the DateDiff function in reports.V2024.3.5RJava |
86. | Displaying the marker shadow in the chart even when it is disabled.V2024.3.5RWebRNetRJSRWpfBIDesigner |
87. | Calculating padding in dashboard charts.V2024.3.5DWinBIDesigner |
88. | Loading the default font for the chart legend when opening reports in the designer.V2024.3.5DJS |