This example shows how to show reports with interactions in the viewer. The report can use the different interactions, for example sorting, collapsing, drill-down. Also report can contains the parameters, that are requested from the user.

First, you need to add the StiMvcViewer component to the view page. Also you need to pass the StiMvcViewerOptions object to the constructor. The minimum required options are two actions - GetReport and ViewerEvent, they are located in the Actions options group:
@using Stimulsoft.Report.Mvc;


@Html.Stimulsoft().StiMvcViewer(new StiMvcViewerOptions()
	Actions =
		GetReport = "GetReport",
		ViewerEvent = "ViewerEvent"

To demonstrate the different types of interactive reports, add links on a web page. To report definition using the id parameter in the link:
		<td class="reports" valign="top">
			<div style="width: 180px;">
				@Html.ActionLink("Sorting", "Index", new { id = "1" })
				<br />Report with dynamic sorting
				<br /><br />
				@Html.ActionLink("List Of Products", "Index", new { id = "2" })
				<br />Report with drill down
				<br /><br />
				@Html.ActionLink("Group With Collapsing", "Index", new { id = "3" })
				<br />Report with collapsing
				<br /><br />
				@Html.ActionLink("Master Detail", "Index", new { id = "4" })
				<br />Report with bookmarks
				<br /><br />
				@Html.ActionLink("Selecting Country", "Index", new { id = "5" })
				<br />Report with parameters
		<td style="width: 100%;" valign="top">
			@Html.Stimulsoft().StiMvcViewer(new StiMvcViewerOptions()
				Actions =
					GetReport = "GetReport",
					ViewerEvent = "ViewerEvent"

In the options above we define two actions, and we need to add it in the controller.

The GetReport action loads the report depending on the id parameter of the URL, and returns answer to the client part of the viewer using the GetReportResult() static method. In the parameters of this method, the report object should be passed:
public ActionResult GetReport(int? id)
	// Create the report object
	StiReport report = new StiReport();
	switch (id)
		// Dynamic sorting
		case 1:
		// Drill down
		case 2:
		// Collapsing
		case 3:
		// Bookmarks
		case 4:
			report = new StiMasterDetail();
		// Parameters
		case 5:
			report = new StiParametersSelectingCountryReport();
	return StiMvcViewer.GetReportResult(report);

The ViewerEvent action handles all the viewer events (switching pages, zooming, printing, exporting, interactivity, etc.) and returns the answer to the client using the ViewerEventResult() static method:
public ActionResult ViewerEvent()
	return StiMvcViewer.ViewerEventResult();

На скриншоте ниже Вы можете увидеть результат выполнения данного кода:

Showing Interactive Reports

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