This example demonstrates how to create table, add filters and export it to excel file. First, create new dashboard:
<script type="text/javascript">
	// Creating new dashboard
	var report = Stimulsoft.Report.StiReport.createNewDashboard();
	var dashboard = report.pages.getByIndex(0);

Then, load and reg data:

	// Load and add reg data
	var dataSet = new Stimulsoft.System.Data.DataSet();

	report.regData("Demo", "Demo", dataSet);


Next, create new table element and add columns to table

	// Create new table element
	var tableElement = new Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Components.Table.StiTableElement();
	tableElement.left = 100; = 100;
	tableElement.width = 500;
	tableElement.height = 500;
	tableElement.backColor = Stimulsoft.System.Drawing.Color.lightGray; = "Example";

	// Add column to table
	var productIDСolumns = new Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Components.Table.StiDimensionColumn();
	productIDСolumns.expression = "Products.ProductID";

	var productNameСolumns = new Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Components.Table.StiDimensionColumn();
	productNameСolumns.expression = "Products.ProductName";

	var unitPriceСolumns = new Stimulsoft.Dashboard.Components.Table.StiDimensionColumn();
	unitPriceСolumns.expression = "Products.UnitPrice";

After that, add filters:

	// Add filter to table
	var productIDFilter = new Stimulsoft.Data.Engine.StiDataFilterRule();
	productIDFilter.condition = Stimulsoft.Data.Engine.StiDataFilterCondition.BeginningWith;
	productIDFilter.path = "Products.ProductID";
	productIDFilter.value = "1";

	// Add filter to table
	var unitPriceFilter = new Stimulsoft.Data.Engine.StiDataFilterRule();
	unitPriceFilter.condition = Stimulsoft.Data.Engine.StiDataFilterCondition.EndingWith;
	unitPriceFilter.path = "Products.UnitPrice";
	unitPriceFilter.value = "1";

Now, create an export function using exportDocumentAsync():

	function onExportToExcelClick() {
	// Export to Excel
	report.exportDocumentAsync((data) => {
		Stimulsoft.System.StiObject.saveAs(data, report.reportName + ".xlsx", "application/");
		}, Stimulsoft.Report.StiExportFormat.Excel2007);

Finally, create a button to call onExportToExcelClick() action:
<input type="submit" value="Export to Excel" onclick="onExportToExcelClick()" />

На скриншоте ниже Вы можете увидеть результат выполнения данного кода:

Creating a Table then Adding Two Filters and Exporting to Excel

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