This example shows how to supply custom headers for JSON Database. First, create a new report instance:

<script type="text/javascript">
	// Create a new report instance
	var report = new Stimulsoft.Report.StiReport();


Then, in onBeginProcessData event handler add custom HTTP headers:

	// In `onBeginProcessData` event handler add custom HTTP headers
	report.onBeginProcessData = function (args) {
		if (
			args.database === "JSON" && 
			args.command === "GetData" && 
			args.pathData && args.pathData.indexOf("/reports/ProtectedDemo.json") >= 0
		) {
			// Add custom header to pass through backend server protection
			args.headers.push({key: "X-Auth-Token", value: "*YOUR TOKEN*"});

After that, load report from URL and render it:

	// Load report from url
	// Render report
	report.renderAsync(function () {
		document.getElementById("savePdf").disabled = false;

Finally, export report to PDF format and save it to file:

	// Export report to PDF format and save to file
	function saveReportPdf() {
		// Export to PDF
		report.exportDocumentAsync(function (pdfData) {
			// Get report file name
			var fileName = report.reportAlias;
			// Save data to file
			Stimulsoft.System.StiObject.saveAs(pdfData, fileName + ".pdf", "application/pdf");
		}, Stimulsoft.Report.StiExportFormat.Pdf);

На скриншоте ниже Вы можете увидеть результат выполнения данного кода:

Supply Custom Headers for JSON Database

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