This example shows how to view forms and parse results.

First, import scripts:
import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { StimulsoftFormsComponent, StimulsoftFormsService } from 'stimulsoft-forms';
import { StiForm } from 'stimulsoft-forms/lib/elements/StiForm';
import { StiInterfaceEvent } from 'stimulsoft-forms/lib/services/objects';

Next, define URL template, properties, form and interface event:
<stimulsoft-forms *ngIf="mode=='online-form'"

After that, create AppComponent class. Specify form name and create constructor with properties.
export class AppComponent {

	public properties = {};
	public form!: any;
	public mode = "online-form"

	private formName = "Order.mrt";

	constructor(public formService: StimulsoftFormsService) { = { formName: this.formName };

Now, create interface event. In this interface create Loaded, FormSubmitted, and FormSubmittedError events:

	interfaceEvent(event: StiInterfaceEvent) {
		switch ( {
			case "Loaded":
				let form: StiForm = this.formService.createElement("Form");
				this.form = form;
			case "FormSubmitted":
			case "FormSubmittedError":

Next, in the FormsController create Action method with action cases:
public IActionResult Action()
		var data = JObject.Parse(this.HttpContext.Request.Form["data"]);
		var action = data["action"].ToString();
		switch (action)
			case "Initialize":
				var initData = StiWebForm.Initialize(data, Initialize(data));
				return Json(initData.Content);

			case "GetFonts":
				if (data["fonts"] != null &&  (data["fonts"] as JArray).Count> 0 && (data["fonts"] as JArray)[0]["fontFamily"].ToString() == "Mrs. Monster")
					List<Hashtable> fontResources = new List<Hashtable>();
					/*Hashtable fontResourceItem = new Hashtable();
					var content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("Fonts/mrsmonster.ttf");
					fontResourceItem["contentForCss"] = String.Format("data:{0};base64,{1}", "application/x-font-ttf", Convert.ToBase64String(content));
					fontResourceItem["originalFontFamily"] = "Mrs. Monster";

					return Json(fontResources);
				return Json("{}");

				var result = StiWebForm.ProcessRequest(data);
				return result.ContentType switch
					"application/pdf" => new FileContentResult(result.Content as byte[], result.ContentType),

					_ => Json(result.Content),
		}catch (Exception e)
			return new ContentResult()
				Content = e.Message,
				ContentType = "text/plain"

After that, create Initialize method. In this method, specify options and properties. Next, load localization and form files, if needed. In the end, apply font families.
private Hashtable Initialize(JObject data)
	var options = new Hashtable();
	var properties = data["properties"] as JObject;

	if (properties != null)
		if (properties["localization"] != null)
		options["localization"] = GetFileString("Localization", $"{properties["localization"]}.xml");

		if (properties["formName"] != null)
			var form = GetForm(properties["formName"].ToString());
			options["form"] = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(form.SaveToString()));

	options["fontFamilies"] = StiWebFormHelper.GetSystemFontFamilies();

	return options;

Finally, create Pdf, Results, ResultPdf, Submit, GetForm and GetFilePath methods:
public IActionResult Pdf(string name, string submit)
	StiForm form = GetForm(name);
	var settings = new StiPdfExporterSettings
		UsePdfA = false,
		ReadOnly = false

	if (submit == "pdf")
		var button = form.GetAllItems().FirstOrDefault(i => (i as StiFormElement)?.Name == "Button") as StiButtonElement;
		button.ButtonSendType = StiButtonSendType.PDF;
		var numberBox = form.GetAllItems().FirstOrDefault(i => (i as StiFormElement)?.Name == "OrderNumber") as StiNumberBoxElement;
		button.FormSendURL += $"?type=pdf&guid={form.Guid}&order={numberBox.Value}";

		Response.Headers.Add("Content-Type", new string[] { "application/octet-stream", "application/octet-stream", "application/download" });
		Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"Order.pdf\"");

	var content = new StiPdfExporter(settings).ExportForm(form);

	return new FileContentResult(content, "application/pdf");

public IActionResult Results(string name)
	ViewData["Submits"] = Submits;
	return View("Results");

public IActionResult ResultPdf(int id) 
	var content = Submits[id]["pdf"] as byte[];
	return new FileContentResult(content, "application/pdf");

public IActionResult Submit(string type, string guid, string order)
	HttpRequest request = this.HttpContext.Request;
	var isFromAcrobat = request.Headers.Keys.Any(k => k.IndexOf("Acrobat") >= 0);

	byte[] buffer;
	using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(request.Body))
		buffer = reader.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(request.ContentLength));

	if (type == "pdf")
		var submit = new Hashtable
			["guid"] = guid,
			["orderNumber"] = order,
			["pdf"] = buffer,
			["id"] = Submits.Count.ToString()

		StiPdfFormResult result = new StiPdfFormResult();
		var formGuid = result.GetValue("StiFormGuid");
		order = result.GetValue("OrderNumber");
		var tableName = "OrderItems";
		var total = result.GetTableTotalFieldValue(tableName, 2);

		var items = new List<string>();
		for (int i = 0; i < result.GetTableRowsCount(tableName); i++)
			var item = result.GetTableFieldValue(tableName, 0, i);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))

		var submit = new Hashtable
			["guid"] = formGuid,
			["orderNumber"] = order,
			["total"] = total,
			["items"] = String.Join(", ", items)


	if (isFromAcrobat)
			StiForm form = GetForm("ThankYou.mrt");
			var orderLabel = form.GetAllItems().FirstOrDefault(i => (i as StiFormElement)?.Name == "Order") as StiTextBoxElement;
			orderLabel.Text = order;

			var settings = new StiPdfExporterSettings
				UsePdfA = false,
				ReadOnly = false
			var content = new StiPdfExporter(settings).ExportForm(form);

			return new FileContentResult(content, "application/pdf");
		return Json(new Hashtable
			["message"] = "Thank you!"

private StiForm GetForm(string name)
	var formStr = GetFileString("Forms", name);
	var form = new StiForm();

	var numberBox = form.GetAllItems().FirstOrDefault(i => (i as StiFormElement)?.Name == "OrderNumber") as StiNumberBoxElement;

	if (numberBox != null)
		var rand = new Random();
		numberBox.Value = rand.Next(1000000);//set 'unique' number
	return form;

private string GetFilePath(string folder, string fileName)
		var assemblyDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
		return Path.Combine(assemblyDirectory, folder, fileName);

private string GetFileString(string folder, string fileName)
		var filePath = GetFilePath(folder, fileName);
		using (var reader = new StreamReader(filePath))
			return reader.ReadToEnd();

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