New Features |
1. | A GIS data source that can be used to retrieve data from WKT and GeoJson files.V2023.4.1 |
2. | The ability to change the data source type, for example, from MySQL to MS SQL or PostgreSQL has been added.V2023.4.1 |
3. | Support for copy, cut, and paste commands when working with the clipboard in the "Filters" menu of dashboard elements.V2023.4.1 |
4. | The new Labels property has been added to the map component. It helps in changing the font and colors of the map's labels.V2023.4.1 |
5. | Oracle data adapter for the Node.js platform.V2023.4.1 |
6. | The MongoDB data adapter, with which you can obtain data for developing reports and dashboards.V2023.4.1 |
Enhancements |
1. | Events for the report viewer and designer components, as well as the report object, have been reworked and optimized.V2023.4.1 |
2. | The algorithm for creating a style based on the basic one has been reworked. Now, it depends on the current object in the report designer, whether it's a report page or dashboard.V2023.4.1 |
3. | Displaying titles for zero values in dashboard charts.V2023.4.3 |
4. | Some minor changes of FIlters editors have been added.V2023.4.1 |
Fixed Bugs |
1. | Displaying the 'Title' property group for dashboard elements in cases where the title was previously created empty.V2023.4.1 |
2. | Full-screen view mode after changing the toolbar alignment in the JS viewer.V2023.4.1 |
3. | Authentication when running in the JS standalone report designer.V2023.4.1 |
4. | Formatting numeric values when the 'Text format' property is set to 'General'.V2023.4.1 |
5. | Changing the brush in the "Electronic Signature" component when viewing the report in the viewer.V2023.4.1 |
6. | Retrieving values from selected columns of DateTime type columns in the report variable element editor.V2023.4.1 |
7. | Grouping data in the "Top N" tool for a "Ribbon" chart when editing and viewing a dashboard.V2023.4.1 |
8. | Using variables in "Range" mode with a DateTime data type when the initialization value is set to "Not Assigned".V2023.4.2 |
9. | Using custom maps when designing reports and dashboards.V2023.4.2 |
10. | Availability of the "Retrieve columns and Parameters" command in the SQL editor of data sources.V2023.4.3 |
11. | Creating a copy of the template page in the report designer.V2023.4.3 |
12. | Error related to loading variable localization in the 'Globalization Strings' editor.V2023.4.4 |
13. | Processing Totals functions in the “Table” dashboard element.V2023.4.1 |
14. | Building a report that is developed using "Data Transformation" in the JS report designer.V2023.4.1 |
15. | Opening and processing SVG report images when opening a template in the JS report designer.V2023.4.1 |
16. | The "Download new version" button in the "Update" menu of the JS standalone report designer.V2023.4.1 |
17. | Displaying extra rows in the "Chart" component when dates are specified as arguments.V2023.4.1 |
18. | Display of "Histogram" chart type when viewing the report in JS viewer.V2023.4.1 |
19. | Use now special characters such as dot, # and others in data source names in JS data source.V2023.4.1 |
20. | Saving the selected localization at the subsequent launch of JS standalone report designer.V2023.4.1 |
21. | Processing of DateTime values from a variable of the "Range" type in the "Date Picker" element.V2023.4.1 |