September 2012

14 Sep. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports Version steht in Kürze zur Verfügung

Liebe Freunde, wir sind sehr glücklich, der ganzen Welt zu erzählen: die neuen Versionen unserer Produkte stehen in Kürze zur Verfügung!

August 2012

24 Aug. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports.WinRT Demo Available in Windows AppStore

You are already using Windows 8, enjoying the new Metro style but cannot find a decent reporting tool for working in the touch mode?
17 Aug. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports products are compatible with Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012

Our programmers conducted extensive testing of our software product line Stimulsoft Reports version 2012.1 under Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012.

Juli 2012

31 Juli 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

WCF Server Support Now in Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf

We are pleased to announce support for WCF Server in Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf version 2012.1.

Juni 2012

7 Juni 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports.Mobile Coming Soon

In the light of the development of mobile technologies by Stimulsoft, we are pleased to present the reporting tool, created using the HTML5 technology, and optimized for working with tablet PCs,...

Mai 2012

21 Mai 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Import from ComponentOne Reports to Stimulsoft Reports is Available

The list of gaps in our reporting tools is becoming less and less.
16 Mai 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports.WinRT Coming Soon

Now is not Christmas, but Stimulsoft Company is not Santa Claus to give gifts only in holiday season.

April 2012

30 Apr. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft - Top 100 Bestselling Publisher Award 2011-2012 From ComponentSource

Today we are happy to announce that our company wins the Top 100 Bestselling Publisher Award 2011-2012 on ComponentSource.
20 Apr. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Import from Telerik Reporting to Stimulsoft Reports is Available

We are pleased to introduce you another small present from our company.
4 Apr. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

New product Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC released

Today our company is pleased to announce the release of the first version of the new report generator - Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC - a software, designed to create reports for the ASP.NET MVC...
4 Apr. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports Product Line. New Version 2012.1 Released

We are glad to announce the immediate availability of our reporting tools version 2012.1.
4 Apr. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Stimulsoft Reports.Fx Product Line Version 2012.1 Released

We are happy to announce the release the Stimulsoft Reports.Fx product line version 2012.1.

März 2012

2 März 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

Our software products successfully tested under VS 2011 Beta and .NET 4.5

We have made an intensive test of our reporting tools of the Stimulsoft Reports product line version 2011.3 under Visual Studio 2011 Beta (it was released on February 29, 2012.) and .NET 4.5.

Februar 2012

27 Feb. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

WCF Samples: New Version

We have updated the WCF Samples.
13 Feb. 2012  ·  Andrew Savin

WCF Samples Updated Again

We have updated the WCF Samples.
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