
Attaching one item to another. Items of type StiReportTemplateItem and StiFileItem support attaching of elements. Keys of the attached elements are in the AttachedItems collection. Attaching of elements is necessary for data binding. For example, it is possible to attach DataSource and images (FileItem) to a ReportTemplate to use these data in the report. It is possible to attach the XSD-file to the XML-file to connect the scheme of the XML-document with its data.


Url Structure:






A custom header x-sti-SessionKey contains the session key of the current user. A custom header x-sti-DestinationItemKey contains the attached element. The itemkey parameter in the URI is the key of item and indicates the element to which must be attached an element.


CURL example:

curl -X PUT -H "x-sti-SessionKey: da5053abac4544e9856e05bbda14f46a" -H "x-sti-DestinationItemKey: fa3514a207504deea0c065032d5d438f" -d ""



The JSON object containing the field ResultSuccess which indicates that the command is executed successfully.


Sample JSON response



"Ident": "ItemSave",

"ResultSuccess": true

