To find or process information about workspaces of the system, there is a method that allows you to get a list of all objects StiWorkspace, to which the current user can access. Use the method FetchAll() (FetchAllAsync()).




public void ProcessWorkspacesInfo()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

connection.Accounts.Users.Login("", "Password");


var workspace = connection.Accounts.Workspaces.FetchAll();


//find workspace of the company with the name Northwind

var northwindWorkspace = workspace.First(a => a.Company == "Northwind");







An asynchronous example:




public async void ProcessWorkspacesInfoAsync()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

await connection.Accounts.Users.LoginAsync("", "Password");


var workspace = connection.Accounts.Workspaces.FetchAll();


//find workspaces created to 01.01.2015

var newWorkspaces = workspace.First(a => a.Created <= new DateTime(2015, 01, 01));


await connection.Accounts.Users.LogoutAsync();

