In order to obtain information about the user, use the methods GetByName() or GetByKey() that return a StiUser object. This object contains full information about the user (key of user role, workspace and root folder, OAuth identifier and type of authorization method, first name, last name, user name (email), avatar image, some flags (enabled, activated) and time when this user was created, last modified and last logged). Before calling the method GetByName() or GetByKey() you must log in as a user whose rights are allowed to have access to the necessary information.




public void GetUserInfo()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

connection.Accounts.Users.Login("", "Password");


var userJohn = connection.Accounts.Users.GetByName("");

var johnLastName = userJohn.LastName;

var johnLogin = userJohn.LastLogin;


var userScott = connection.Accounts.Users.GetByKey("ScottKey");

var scottLastName = userScott.LastName;

var scottLogin = userScott.LastLogin;


var currentUser = connection.Accounts.Users.Current;

var currentName = currentUser.UserName;





Or asynchronous method:




public async void GetUserInfoAsync()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

await connection.Accounts.Users.LoginAsync("", "Password");


var userJohn = await connection.Accounts.Users.GetByNameAsync("");

var johnLastName = userJohn.LastName;

var johnLogin = userJohn.LastLogin;


var userScott = await connection.Accounts.Users.GetByKeyAsync("ScottKey");

var scottLastName = userScott.LastName;

var scottLogin = userScott.LastLogin;


var currentUser = connection.Accounts.Users.Current;

var currentName = currentUser.UserName;

