Scheduling Actions

Stimulsoft Server supports flexible system schedulers that allow the automation of various actions and events schedule. The object StiSchedulerItem inherited from StiItem is used to work with the scheduler. After creating an instance of this object, you must add actions using the method StiSchedulerItem.AddRunReportAction(). The parameters of this overloaded method take several sets of objects that define the functionality of the scheduler. The minimum set of parameters is as follows:



(StiReportTemplateItem reportTemplateItem, StiReportSnapshotItem reportSnapshotItem) – at work scheduler builds a report template reportTemplateItem and stores it to a snapshot reportSnapshotItem;


(StiReportTemplateItem reportTemplateItem, StiFileItem fileItem) – at work scheduler builds a report template reportTemplateItem and export it to a file fileItem.


(StiReportTemplateItem reportTemplateItem, StiContactListItem contactListItem, StiFileType fileType) – at work scheduler builds a report template reportTemplateItem, export it to a file of fileType type and sends the results by e-mail to contacts from contactListItem.


To start the scheduler immediately, the StiSchedulerItem.Run() (StiSchedulerItem.RunAsync()) method is used. This example creates a scheduler to render the report as a snapshot:




public void CreateSchedulerAndRunReportToSnapshot()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

connection.Accounts.Users.Login("", "Password");


// Create folder

var folderItem = connection.Items.Root.NewFolder("folder");



// Create report template

var reportTemplateItem = folderItem.NewReportTemplate("report-template");




// Create report snapshot

var reportSnapshotItem = folderItem.NewReportSnapshot("report-snapshot");



// Create scheduler

var schedulerItem = folderItem.NewScheduler("scheduler", StiSchedulerIdent.Once);

schedulerItem.AddRunReportAction(reportTemplateItem, reportSnapshotItem);



// Run scheduler








This asynchronous method creates a scheduler which renders the template to the PDF file:




public async void CreateSchedulerAndRunReportToFileAsync()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

await connection.Accounts.Users.LoginAsync("", "Password");


// Create folder

var folderItem = connection.Items.Root.NewFolder("folder");

await folderItem.SaveAsync();


// Create report template

var reportTemplateItem = folderItem.NewReportTemplate("report-template");

await reportTemplateItem.SaveAsync();

await reportTemplateItem.UploadFromFileAsync(@"c:\ReportTemplate.mrt");


// Create file

var fileItem = folderItem.NewFile("file", StiFileType.Pdf);

await fileItem.SaveAsync();


// Create scheduler

var schedulerItem = folderItem.NewScheduler("scheduler", StiSchedulerIdent.Once);

schedulerItem.AddRunReportAction(reportTemplateItem, fileItem);

await schedulerItem.SaveAsync();


// Run scheduler

await schedulerItem.RunAsync();


await connection.Accounts.Users.LogoutAsync();





This example creates a scheduler which renders the template to the PDF file and sends it to the email addresses listed in the contact element:




public async void CreateSchedulerAndRunReportToContactsAsync()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

await connection.Accounts.Users.LoginAsync("", "Password");


// Create folder

var folderItem = connection.Items.Root.NewFolder("folder");

await folderItem.SaveAsync();


// Create report template

var reportTemplateItem = folderItem.NewReportTemplate("report-template");

await reportTemplateItem.SaveAsync();

await reportTemplateItem.UploadFromFileAsync(@"c:\ReportTemplate.mrt");


// Create contact list

var contactListItem = folderItem.NewContactList("contacts", ",");



// Create scheduler

var schedulerItem = folderItem.NewScheduler("scheduler", StiSchedulerIdent.Once);

schedulerItem.AddRunReportAction(reportTemplateItem, contactListItem, StiFileType.Pdf);

await schedulerItem.SaveAsync();


// Run scheduler

await schedulerItem.RunAsync();


await connection.Accounts.Users.LogoutAsync();





The scheduler can have two states (describes the objects StiSchedulerStatus) – running (track events and time, and depending on this, the scheduler can run) and stopped (not tracked any external state). The state of the scheduler is described by two values – Started or Stopped. To set the scheduler status the StiSchedulerItem.SetStatus() (StiSchedulerItem.SetStatusAsync()) method is used. This example gets the status of the scheduler:




public void CreateSchedulerAndGetState()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

connection.Accounts.Users.Login("", "Password");


var schedulerItem = connection.Items.Root.NewScheduler("scheduler", StiSchedulerIdent.Hourly).Save();


var status = schedulerItem.GetStatus();


Debug.WriteLine(status == StiSchedulerStatus.Stopped ? "Scheduler Stopped" : "Scheduler Started");







This example sets a scheduler status asynchronously:




public async void CreateSchedulerAndSetStateAsync()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

await connection.Accounts.Users.LoginAsync("", "Password");


var schedulerItem = connection.Items.Root.NewScheduler("scheduler", StiSchedulerIdent.Hourly).SaveAsync();


await schedulerItem.Result.SetStatusAsync(StiSchedulerStatus.Stopped);


await connection.Accounts.Users.LogoutAsync();

