To get an existing item is necessary to know the key that is passed to the method as a parameter. Use methods StiItem.GetByKey() and StiItem.GetByKeyAsync():




public void GetCalendarItem()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

connection.Accounts.Users.Login("", "Password");


var item = connection.Items.GetByKey("CalendarItemKey");

if (item != null)


var calendarItem = item as StiCalendarItem;

if (calendarItem != null)


var calendarItemDescription = calendarItem.Description;







Asynchronous method:




public async void GetCalendarItemAsync()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

await connection.Accounts.Users.LoginAsync("", "Password");


var item = await connection.Items.GetByKeyAsync("CalendarItemKey");

if (item != null)


var calendarItem = item as StiCalendarItem;

if (calendarItem != null)


var calendarItemDescription = calendarItem.Description;



