For working with data sources, Stimulsoft Server has a special type of a StiItemStiDataSourceItem, which has some specific features and capabilities. StiDataSourceItem is an element that provides a connection to a database and retrieves the necessary data for displaying in the report. There are several methods to connect a specific database:

SetFirebird – connects to an existing DataSource adapter Firebird SQL;

SetMsSQL – connects to an existing DataSource adapter MS SQL Server;

SetMySQL – connects to an existing DataSource adapter MySQL Server;

SetODBC – connects to an existing DataSource adapter Open Database Connectivity (ODBC);

SetOracle – connects to an existing DataSource adapter Oracle Database;

SetPostgreSQL – connects to an existing DataSource adapter Postgre SQL;

SetSQLCE – connects to an existing DataSource adapter Microsoft SQL Server Compact;

SetSQLite – connects to an existing DataSource adapter SQLite DB;


As an argument to any of these methods, you must specify the connection string in the format supported by the specified database. There is the StiDataQueryItem class for receiving data set from a database. It describes the SQL query for the selected database. Creating an instance of this class can be done by using the StiDataSourceItem.NewQuery method. It allows you to create an SQL query to retrieve a dataset from the database. The parameters of this method are the name of the query and the text of the query in a format supported by the selected database.


StiDataQueryItem.Run or StiDataQueryItem.RunAsync methods is used to run the SQL query. As optional parameters restrictions on the size of the final sample are used: index of the first element and the number of elements of the dataset to be retrieved. The execution method is an instance of the system DataTable class with a set of requested data.


This example shows how to create a data source and run a query to obtain the number of records in a table «Items»:




public void RunDataSourceQueryCount()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

connection.Accounts.Users.Login("", "Password");


const string connectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=testbase;Uid=root;Pwd=123;Connection Timeout=30;";

var dataSource = connection.Items.Root.NewDataSource("test");




var dataQueryCount = dataSource.NewQuery("test query", "select count(*) from items").Save();

var tableCount = dataQueryCount.Run();

var count = (long)tableCount.Rows[0].ItemArray[0];





This asynchronous method creates a DataSource and runs a query to retrieve the first 500 elements of the table «Items»:




public async void RunDataSourceQuerySelectAsync()


var connection = new Stimulsoft.Server.Connect.StiServerConnection("localhost:40010");

await connection.Accounts.Users.LoginAsync("", "Password");


const string connectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=testbase;Uid=root;Pwd=123;Connection Timeout=30;";

var dataSource = connection.Items.Root.NewDataSource("test").SetMySQL(connectionString).Save();


var dataQuery = dataSource.NewQuery("test query", "select * from items").Save();

var tableBeforeResult = await dataQuery.RunAsync(0, 500);

