The Blazor Viewer component allows you to export a displayed report to various formats such as PDF, HTML, Word, Excel, text, etc. The export function doesn`t require additional settings in the viewer.




If you need to make any actions before exporting a report, you can set the special OneExportReport event.



@using Stimulsoft.Report

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Blazor

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Web


<StiBlazorViewer OnExportReport="@OnExportReport" />




private void OnExportReport(StiExportReportEventArgs args)


// Some code before export

// ...





Export Settings


Each report export format of the Blazor Viewer has a lot of settings, and each setting has its values by default. Sometimes you need other values by default. The special DefaultSettings property of the Viewer is used for this. You can find it in the export options. This property is the container of all export settings used by default.



@using Stimulsoft.Report

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Blazor

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Web


<StiBlazorViewer Options="@Options" />




//Options object

private StiBlazorViewerOptions Options;


protected override void OnInitialized()




//Init options object

Options = new StiBlazorViewerOptions();


//PDF default settings

Options.Exports.DefaultSettings.ExportToPdf.ImageQuality = 0.75f;

Options.Exports.DefaultSettings.ExportToPdf.ImageFormat = Stimulsoft.Report.Export.StiImageFormat.Color;


//HTML default settings

Options.Exports.DefaultSettings.ExportToHtml.UseEmbeddedImages = true;

Options.Exports.DefaultSettings.ExportToHtml.ExportMode = Stimulsoft.Report.Export.StiHtmlExportMode.Div;





If required, you can completely hide the display of the export dialog windows. The exporting will always be done with the settings by default. To do this, you just need to set the false value for the ShowExportDialog property.



@using Stimulsoft.Report

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Blazor

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Web


<StiBlazorViewer Options="@Options" />




//Options object

private StiBlazorViewerOptions Options;


protected override void OnInitialized()




//Init options object

Options = new StiBlazorViewerOptions();

Options.Exports.ShowExportDialog = false;





The Blazor Viewer component contains about 20 various export formats, and sometimes you need to disable some of them. It allows you to load the interface and simplify the use of the Viewer. To disable not used export formats, just set the false value for corresponding viewer properties, given in the list below.



@using Stimulsoft.Report

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Blazor

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Web


<StiBlazorViewer Options="@Options" />




//Options object

private StiBlazorViewerOptions Options;


protected override void OnInitialized()




//Init options object

Options = new StiBlazorViewerOptions();

Options.Exports.ShowExportDialog = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToDocument = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToPdf = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToXps = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToPowerPoint = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToHtml = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToHtml5 = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToMht = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToText = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToRtf = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToWord2007 = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToOpenDocumentWriter = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToExcel = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToExcelXml = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToExcel2007 = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToOpenDocumentCalc = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToCsv = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToDbf = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToXml = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToDif = true;

Options.Exports.ShowExportToSylk = true;





The Blazor Viewer component has a feature, which allows you to disable the report export menu. To do this, you should set the ShowSaveButton property to false.



@using Stimulsoft.Report

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Blazor

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Web


<StiBlazorViewer Options="@Options" />




//Options object

private StiBlazorViewerOptions Options;


protected override void OnInitialized()




//Init options object

Options = new StiBlazorViewerOptions();

Options.Toolbar.ShowSaveButton = false;

