The Blazor Viewer component has the ability to call the report designer. To use this feature, you should define the OnDesignReport event handler.



@using Stimulsoft.Report

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Blazor

@using Stimulsoft.Report.Web

@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager


<StiBlazorViewer Report="@Report" OnDesignReport="@OnDesignReport" />




//Report object to use in viewer

private StiReport Report;


protected override void OnInitialized()




var report = new StiReport();


Report = report;



protected void OnDesignReport(StiReportDataEventArgs args)


//Redirect to the Designer page

NavigationManager.NavigateTo("Designer?report=" + args.Report.ReportName);






The viewer doesn’t run the designer. It just calls the specified event in which you can get all necessary parameters. Later in the activity, you can redirect to another page that contains the report designer.