The HTML5 Viewer component has the ability to call the report designer. The special Design button in the toolbar of the viewer (the button is disabled by default) should be used. To use this feature, you should set the ShowDesignButton property to true and define the DesignReport event handler.




@Html.StiNetCoreViewer(new StiNetCoreViewerOptions() {

Actions =


DesignReport = "DesignReport"


Toolbar =


ShowDesignButton = true







public IActionResult OnPostDesignReport()


StiReport report = StiNetCoreViewer.GetReportObject(this);

TempData["ReportName"] = report.ReportName;


return RedirectToPage("Designer");






The viewer does not run the designer. It only calls the specified action, in which you can get all the necessary parameters. Then, in action, you can implement a redirection to another View, which contains the report designer.