

Since dashboards and reports use the same unified template format - MRT, methods for loading the template and working with data, the word “report” will be used in the documentation text.




To run the report designer with a new (empty) report, it is enough to create a new report in the GetReport action and return it to the designer. If necessary, you can load data for the report, or perform any other necessary actions.




@Html.StiNetCoreDesigner(new StiNetCoreDesignerOptions() {

Actions =


GetReport = "GetReport"







public IActionResult OnPostGetReport()


StiReport report = new StiReport();


return StiNetCoreDesigner.GetReportResult(this, report);





You can also create a new report using the main menu of the designer. The CreateReport action is used to load data for a new report or perform any other necessary actions. This action will be called when creating a new empty report or when creating a report using the wizard.




@Html.StiNetCoreDesigner(new StiNetCoreDesignerOptions() {

Actions =


CreateReport = "CreateReport"







public IActionResult OnPostCreateReport()


StiReport report = new StiReport();

//var newDashboard = StiReport.CreateNewDashboard();


// Register data for the new report, if necessary

DataSet data = new DataSet("Demo");

data.ReadXml(StiNetCoreHelper.MapPath(this, "Data/Demo.xml"));






return StiNetCoreDesigner.GetReportResult(this, report);

//return StiNetCoreDesigner.GetReportResult(this, newDashboard);

