To run the designer without a report you don't need to make any actions. To load a component, the main menu of the designer will be displayed. If you need to run the designer with a new report, you can create a new object of the StiReport report and assign it to the designer. In addition, you can preload data for a new report or make some other necessary actions.


To edit a report in the designer, you should create the StiReport object, load a report template to it and assign the resulting object to the designer. All other actions will be made automatically, the designer will display the first page of the template.





$designer = new \Stimulsoft\Designer\StiDesigner();

$report = new \Stimulsoft\Report\StiReport();


$designer->report = $report;






The designer can work with standard, packed, and encrypted templates. You can find a detailed description of work with various report formats in the Loading and Saving Reports chapter.



Report creation event

A new report can be created using the main menu of the designer. To preload data for a new report or make some other necessary actions with a new report, you should use the onCreateReport event. This event will be invoked when creating a new blank report from the main menu or report creation using the master. For example, when creating a new report you need to connect data to it and synchronize them with data dictionary.





$designer = new \Stimulsoft\Designer\StiDesigner();

$designer->onCreateReport = 'onCreateReport';




function onCreateReport(args) {

var dataSet = new Stimulsoft.System.Data.DataSet("SimpleDataSet");

dataSet.readJsonFile("Data/Demo.json");, "", dataSet);;





If needed, you can control the process of creation a new report on the PHP server-side. To do it you should add the invoke of the event handler on the client-side and define the onCreateReport event of the same name in the event handler file. You can find a detailed description of work of events in the PHP Events Handler chapter.





$designer = new \Stimulsoft\Designer\StiDesigner();

$designer->onCreateReport = true;







$handler->onCreateReport = function ($args) {

$report = $args->report;


return \Stimulsoft\StiResult::success();





In arguments of the event a report object created in the designer will be transferred. If needed, you can change it or load a new report. After the event completed, this report will be automatically loaded to the designer to edit. For example, you need to preload a prepared template with embedded connections to data when creating a new report in the designer.




$handler->onCreateReport = function ($args) {

$args->report = file_get_contents('reports/NewTemplateWithData.mrt');


return \Stimulsoft\StiResult::success();





You can find a detailed description of available values of arguments in the Designer Events chapter.