The viewer is set using the properties from the StiViewerOptions class. All the properties are divided into the groups for comfortable using. All classes and enumerations of the viewer are located in the \Stimulsoft\Viewer namespace. To set the viewer, you should create the class of options, set required properties, and transfer an object of options as the first argument to the viewer constructor.





$options = new \Stimulsoft\Viewer\StiViewerOptions();


$options->appearance->theme = \Stimulsoft\Viewer\StiViewerTheme::Office2022WhiteBlue;

$options->appearance->reportDisplayMode = \Stimulsoft\Viewer\StiHtmlExportMode::FromReport;

$options->width = '1000px';

$options->height = '1000px';

$options->toolbar->displayMode = \Stimulsoft\Viewer\StiToolbarDisplayMode::Separated;

$options->appearance->fullScreenMode = true;

$options->appearance->scrollbarsMode = true;

$options->exports->ShowExportToWord2007 = false;

$options->exports->showExportToCsv = false;


$viewer = new \Stimulsoft\Viewer\StiViewer($options);






Main settings (without groups)





Sets the width of the component in “px” or “%”. The "100%" value is set by default.


It sets height of a component in "px" or "%". The "100%" value is set by default for standard mode and "650px" for the mode of display with scroll bars.


Sets the selected localization of the component. By default, the English localization is set. It is built into the component.








Specifies the theme of the viewers' layout. The list of available themes can be found in the StiViewerTheme enumeration. The default value is Office2022WhiteBlue.


Sets the background color of the viewer. By default. it is set to 'white'.


Sets the border color of the viewer. By default, it is set to 'gray'.


Sets the Right to Left mode for viewer controls. By default, the property is set to false.


It sets the full screen mode of the viewer display. If the property is set in the true value, the values of width and height properties are ignored. The false value is set by dedault.


Sets the preview mode with scrollbars. By default, the property is set to false.


Sets the target window to open links contained in the report. By default, it is set to '_blank' (new window). It can have one of the standard values '_blank', '_self', '_top', as well as the name of the window or frame.


Enables displaying tips for the viewer controls when the mouse hovers over. By default, the property is set to true.


Sets a value which indicates that show or hide the help link in tooltips. By default, the property is set to true.


Sets a value which indicates that show or hide the help button in dialogs. By default, the property is set to true.


Sets the position of the report page in the viewer window:

StiContentAlignment::DefaultValue - page alignment is determined from the template settings (value is set by default);
StiContentAlignment::Left – the page will be aligned left;
StiContentAlignment::Center – the page will be centered (set by default);
StiContentAlignment::Right – the page will be aligned right.


Enables displaying shadow for report pages. By default, the property is set to true.


Enables printing of report bookmarks (besides the report itself). By default, the property is set to false.


Sets the width of the bookmarks panel in pixels. By default, the width is 180 pixels.


It sets location of the panel parameters in the viewer:

StiParametersPanelPosition::FromReport - the location of the panel is determined from the template settings (value is set by default);
StiParametersPanelPosition::Top - the panel is located upper report page;
StiParametersPanelPosition::Left - the panel is located to the left from report page.


It sets max height of the parameter panel in pixels. The 300 value is set by default.


It sets the number of columns in the parameter panel. The 2 value is set by default.


It sets date and time format for the variables, which are displayed in the parameter panel. The String.empty value is set by default.


It sets or disables the sorting variable values mode. The option is set in the true value by default, i.e variable values are sorted.  


It sets the type of the viewer interface. The following values can be used:

StiInterfaceType::Auto – the type of the viewer interface will be selected automatically depending on the device you use (value is set by default);
StiInterfaceType::Mouse – forced using of standard interface to control the viewer using a computer mouse;
StiInterfaceType::Touch – forced using the Touch interface to control the viewer using touch screen of a monitor. In this mode, the viewer interface elements have enlarged sizes for comfortable control;
StiInterfaceType::Mobileforced using the Mobile interface to control the viewer using smartphone screen. In this mode, the viewer interface has a simplified appearance to control using a mobile device.


Enables or disables displaying a report or dashboard in the mobile mode. If the option is set to false, then the mobile view will not be used. If the option is set to true, the mobile view mode will be used when opening the viewer on mobile devices. By default, the option is set to true.


It sets the type of chart drawing in a report:

StiChartRenderType::AnimatedVector – charts will be drawn in the vector mode with animation (value is set by default);
StiChartRenderType::Vector – charts will be drawn as a vector image without animation.


It sets the export mode to display report pages. It can take one of the following values:

StiHtmlExportMode::FromReport - the export mode of the report elements is defined from report template settings - Div or Table (value is set by default);
StiHtmlExportMode::Table – report elements are exported using HTML tables;
StiHtmlExportMode::Div – report elements are exported using DIV markup.


It gives an ability to set the first day of the week for the Date Picker tool:

StiFirstDayOfWeek::Auto - Monday or Sunday will be set as the first day of the week depending on browser culture (value is set by default);
StiFirstDayOfWeek::Monday - Monday will be set as the first day of the week;
StiFirstDayOfWeek::Sunday - Sunday will be set as the first day of the week.


It gives an ability to include or not the current day into the range of the Date Picker element values. By default, the option is set in the false value i.e. the current day is not included into the range of the element values.


It gives an ability change the viewer zoom by touching. By default, the option is set in the true value.


It allows you to combine processed pages of report template into one template or present each page of the template as a separate tab in the viewer. By default, the option is set in the false value i.e. each page of report template will be presented as a separate tab in the viewer.








It allows you to display or not to display the viewer toolbar. By default, the true value is set.


It sets the display of the viewer toolbar. It can take one of the enumeration values below:

StiToolbarDisplayMode::Simple – simple display mode, all elements of control are located in one control panel (value is set by default);
StiToolbarDisplayMode::Separated – separated display mode, toolbar is divided into upper and bottom.


It allows you to change the color of toolbar. The 'transparent' value is set by default.


It allows you to change toolbar border color. The 'transparent' value is set by default.


It gives an ability to change the font of all elements in the toolbar and in all menus of this panel. The 'transparent' value is set by default.


It allows you to change the font for all elements in the toolbar and in all menus of this panel. By default, the 'Arial' value is set.


It sets the alignment of elements in the control panel:

StiContentAlignment::Default – alignment of elements depends on the RightToLeft option (value is set by default);
StiContentAlignment::Left – all elements will be aligned to the left side of the toolbar;
StiContentAlignment::Center – all elements will be aligned to the center of the toolbar;
StiContentAlignment::Right – all elements will be aligned to the right side of the toolbar.


It enables or disables the display of the viewer toolbar buttons text. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Print button. By default, the property is set to true.


It enables the display of the Open button in the viewer toolbar when viewing reports or dashboards. By default, the property is set to true.


It enables the display of the Save button in the toolbar when viewing reports or dashboards. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Send Email button in the toolbar. By default, the false value is set. Also, you should add the onEmailReport event handler.


It allows you to display or not to display the Find button in the toolbar. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Bookmarks button in the toolbar. If this button is not displayed, the bookmark panel, the bookmark panel will not be displayed in a report. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Parameters button in the toolbar. If this button is not displayed, the parameter panel will not be displayed in a report. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Resources button in the toolbar. If this button is not displayed, the resources panel will not be displayed in a report. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Editor button in the toolbar. If this button is not displayed, you won't be able to change edited data. By default, the property is set to true.


It enables the display of the Full Screen button in the viewer toolbar when viewing reports or dashboards. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Refresh button in the viewer toolbar when viewing dashboards. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the First Page button in the toolbar. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Previous Page in the toolbar.By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display an indicator of the current page in the toolbar.By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Next Page button in the toolbar. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Last Page button in the toolbar. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Zoom selection button in the toolbar. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the report pages display modes button. By default, the property is set to true.


It enables the display of the Design button in the viewer toolbar when viewing reports or dashboards. By default, the property is set to false.


It allows you to display or not to display the About button. By default, the property is set to true.


It allows you to display or not to display the Pin button in the mobile mode of report viewing. By default, the property is set to true.


It sets the report print mode. It can take one of the enumeration values below:

StiPrintDestination::Default – the menu with the selection print mode will be displayed (value is set by default);
StiPrintDestination::Pdf – print will be made in PDF format;
StiPrintDestination::Direct – print will be made in HTML format directly to the printer. System print dialog will be displayed;
StiPrintDestination::PopupWindow – print will be made in HTML format via the pop-up window of report preview.


It sets the report pages display mode:

StiWebViewMode::OnePage – one page selected in the toolbar is displayed (value is set by default);
StiWebViewMode::Continuous – all report pages are displayed as a ribbon;
StiWebViewMode::MultiplePages – all report pages are displayed as a table.


It allows you to set the scale of report pages when loading the viewer. 100 percent by default. Max value is 500 percent.

StiZoomMode::PageWidth – report pages scale by page width;
StiZoomMode::PageHeight – report pages scale by page height.


It allows you to enable or disable the animation of display and closing various menus in the viewer. By default, the property is set to true.


It sets the mode opening of various menus in the viewer when hovering or clicking.

StiShowMenuMode::Click – click-to-open menu mode (value is set by default);
StiShowMenuMode::Hover – hover-to-open menu mode.


It sets the mode of automatic collapsing the toolbar when viewing a report in the mobile mode. By default, the property is set to true.








It allows you to save export settings in cookies. The true value is set by default.


It allows you to display or not to display the Export Settings menu. If the menu is hidden, the export will be made with values by default. The true value is set by default.


It allows you to display or not to display the Document File element in the Save menu. The true value is set by default.


It enables the display of the Adobe PDF File export menu item when viewing reports and the Adobe PDF when viewing dashboards. The property has the true value by default.


It enables the display of the XPS File export menu item. The property has the true value by default.


It enables the display of the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 File export menu item. The property has the true value by default.


It allows you to display or not to display the HTML File element in the Export Settings menu and the HTML when viewing dashboards.. The true value is set by default.


It allows you to display or not to display the HTML5 File element in the Export Settings menu. The true value is set by default.  


It enables the display of the the Text File export menu item. The property has the true value by default.


It allows you to display or not to display the Microsoft Word 2007/2010 File element in the Save menu. The true value is set by default.


It enables the display of the OpenDocument Writer File export menu item. The property has the true value by default.


It enables the display of the menu Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 File export menu item when viewing reports and the Microsoft Excel item when viewing dashboards. The property has the true value by default.


It enables the display of the OpenDocument Calc File export menu item. The property has the true value by default.


It enables the display of the CSV File export menu item. The property has the true value by default.


It enables the display of the JSON File export menu item. The property has the true value by default.


It enables the display of the Image export menu item. The property has the true value by default.








It enables the display of the parameter dialog window of report sending by Email. If the dialog window is disabled, the sending by Email will be done with the settings specified by default onEmailReport. The true value is set by default.


It enables the display of the parameter dialog window when sending an Email. If the property has the false value, the export will be done with specified by default settings. The true value is set by default.


It sets an Email recipient by default, i.e. the address which will receive a Email with an attached report. The value is not set by default.


It sets the theme (header) of an Email by default. The value is not set by default.


It sets a message (text) of an Email by default. The value is not set by default.