Stimulsoft Company has added support for the format of electronic invoices - ZUGFeRD.


Invoices in the ZUGFeRD format pass both human-readable invoices and its structured machine-readable XML based representation. Human-readable representation is encoded in the form of one or more PDF pages of the PDF/A format. XML based representation is embedded in the PDF document as an object in accordance with the specifications of the PDF/A-3 format. In other words, the invoice of the ZUGFeRD format contains two separate representations - human-readable in the PDF/A-3 format that is used as a container for the XML representation.


At this moment, you can use the ZUGFeRD format only from code. To do this, select the desired format option (V1 or V2) using the ZUGFeRDComplianceMode option in the export settings to PDF, using the ZUGFeRDConformanceLevel option, select the desired Conformance Level, and also load the pre-prepared XML file into the ZUGFeRDInvoiceData property. This will automatically add the file to the EmbeddedFiles collection with the standard FileName and Description. If you need to use another Description, you yourself can add the file to the EmbeddedFiles collection with the desired FileName and Description.


Pay attention:

The name of the XML file in different versions of the standard is case-sensitive.

ConformanceLevel COMFORT in ZUGFeRD 2.0 replaced by EN 16931.


The following is a sample code for exporting a report using the ZUGFeRD format:




FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(@"d:\test.pdf", FileMode.Create);

byte[] buf = File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml");


//for ZUGFeRD 1.0

var pdfExportSettings = new StiPdfExportSettings()


ZUGFeRDComplianceMode = StiPdfZUGFeRDComplianceMode.V1,

ZUGFeRDInvoiceData = buf,




//for ZUGFeRD 2.0

var pdfExportSettings = new StiPdfExportSettings()


ZUGFeRDComplianceMode = StiPdfZUGFeRDComplianceMode.V2,

ZUGFeRDInvoiceData = buf,

ZUGFeRDConformanceLevel = "EN 16931"        //BASIC, EN 16931, EXTENDED



report.ExportDocument(StiExportFormat.Pdf, fileStream, pdfExportSettings);





Below is an example of code for exporting a report using the ZUGFeRD format, if you need to use an alternative Description for the XML file you should to the following:




FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(@"d:\test.pdf", FileMode.Create);

byte[] buf = File.ReadAllBytes(@"d:\ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml");


//for ZUGFeRD 1.0, Custom settings

var pdfExportSettings = new StiPdfExportSettings();

pdfExportSettings.ZUGFeRDComplianceMode = StiPdfZUGFeRDComplianceMode.V1;

pdfExportSettings.EmbeddedFiles.Add(new StiPdfEmbeddedFileData("ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml", "ZUGFeRD Invoice", buf));

pdfExportSettings.ZUGFeRDConformanceLevel = "COMFORT";


//for ZUGFeRD 2.0, Custom settings

var pdfExportSettings = new StiPdfExportSettings();

pdfExportSettings.ZUGFeRDComplianceMode = StiPdfZUGFeRDComplianceMode.V2;

pdfExportSettings.EmbeddedFiles.Add(new StiPdfEmbeddedFileData("zugferd-invoice.xml", "ZUGFeRD Invoice", buf));

pdfExportSettings.ZUGFeRDConformanceLevel = "EN 16931";


report.ExportDocument(StiExportFormat.Pdf, fileStream, pdfExportSettings);

