Новые возможности
1.Export to Excel2007. The text with HTML tags is now exported as formatted text; to restore the old behavior, property must be enabled StiOptions.Export.Excel2007.RenderHtmlTagsAsImage = true.
2.Export to PDF. Added support for digital signatures using certificates CryptoPro.
3.When creating a new Data Source with Data from a CSV file, now you can specify the separator used in it.
4.Export to PowerPoint now supports hyperlinks.
5.The new static property StiOptions.Engine.RenderRichTextInOtherDomain (to avoid errors of WPF - memory leaks when processing richtext with images).
6.The global event StiOptions.Engine.GlobalEvents.OpenHelp.
7.The new static property StiOptions.Export.Html.UseExtendedStyle is added to solve compatibility issues when overriding global styles.

1.Enhanced the work of the ShiftMode property.
2.DotMatrix preview. Optimizing the speed of work.
3.Optimization of chart drawing time on large set of data.
4.The new editor for Sub Report.
5.Accelerated processing of RichText components.
6.The property Filter Engine is now located in the form Data Setup.
7.Improved "Prevent Intersection" for Series Labels.
8.Deleted Hand and Select Tool from Toolbox.
9.Export to PDF, Optimization of speed.
10.Optimized report rendering time, especially when Unlimited Height property of the page is set to True .

Исправлены ошибки
1.In the report wizard, in the theme tab, now you can load the current collection of report styles.
2.Sorting of groups by sum in the interpretation mode now work correctly.
3.Export to Word2007. A rare error occurred while processing an empty RichText component.
4.Export to Excel. When using the tag "exceltext" and opening the file in MS Excel 2010-2013 now the warning "The number is saved as text" is not thrown.
5.Export to Excel97-2003. The processing dates the report property Culture is processed too.
6.The new properties for Sub Report - File, Url, Parameters.
7.Export to JPEG.
8.Export to PDF. Incorrect file when using some certificates in the digital signature.
9.Some problems with printer settings Collate, Copies and Duplex.
10.Export to the SVG format now supports hyperlinks.
11.The error when calling the menu TextFormat through the QuickButton textbox.
12.When creating a new data source the tab Group in the dialog did not work properly (sorting and deleting new data sources).
13.Filters for VirtualSource in the interpreted mode now work correctly.
14.Improved work with shortcuts in the viewer.
15.Export to PDF. The soft hyphen character is now exported correctly when enabling the property StiOptions.Export,WinFormsHighAccuracyWordWrap.
16.In some cases, incorrect saving of properties of the object AdvancedBorder.
17.An exception in the designer when opening the dictionary of a business object, type of what is not yet loaded into the application domain.
18.The property Auto Series Color Data Column for the Pie chart.
19.The error of the report compilation, in whichVB.NET is set as a report language and uses variables of the type DateTime (nullable), if the variable is set to the property NotAssigned.
20.Incorrect handling of a sequence of characters \ "in line when compiling the report.
21.Under certain circumstances, the Condition incorrectly applied the border.
22.The component Clone could not be placedinto another Clone.
23.The property Tool Tip Data Column when using Auto Series of charts.
24.Export to HTML. At some parameters of a textbox, wrapping of very long words worked incorrectly.
25.Send E-mail. Now, if the default mail client is Outlook, the parameter "attachment" is not specifying in the command "mailto:".
26.Export to HTML. Changed the algorithm for calculating coordinates for a more correct version of the resulting file. .
27.Export to Word2007. Bookmarks of containers were not exported.
28.Improved left align of numbers in Excel export.
29.Export to SVG. The right edge of the text aligned by the width was cut off when displaying in IE.
30.Export to SVG. Empty rows were output incorrectly inside the text.
31.Sorting of data sources by an expression in the interpretation mode.
32.Export to Excel2007. An issue with newline (line ending, end of line) symbols.
33.Some issues with encoding characters inside expressions in the RichText component.
34.Improved work of the Text component with the Editable property.
35.Some issues in Import.TelerikReports.
36.The page property ExcelSheet now works in the interpreted mode.
37.Fixed bugs related to work with the Report Tree (Drag & Drop).
38.The background of the Shape component is now transparent, when using ImageFormat=Png in the export to HTML.
39.Wrong definition of the correct overload of some functions in the interpreted mode.
40.The function IsFirstPage and property PrintOn=OnlyFirstPage/ExceptFirstPage now works correctly when using the property ResetPageNumber and one pass of report redering.
41.Updated page watermark.
42.Fixed interaction of Expression in Text Editor with Dictionary TreeView.
43.A rare bug when using filters with multiple conditions and complex expressions.
44.Moved Copy Style Tool from ToolBox to the Ribbon Menu.
45.Copy and Paste in Style Designer.
46.Work of properties Odd Style and Event Style of DataBand.
47.When copying a style of a component the new value in the property Component Style was not assigned.
48.Increased speed of exports in the tabular mode (Word, Excel, CSV, HTML) to 5 .. 20%.

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