To create a description of the data source and retrieve the data itself from storage, you should create a connection to this storage. Some parameters of the connection may vary depending on the type of the data source. The picture below shows the menu, which specifies the connection parameters to the data storage:



img_1 The field Name is the name of the data source in the item tree. By default, the data source name is automatically generated, depending on its type. For example, if you select the data source ODBC, then the name of the data source is ODBC.

img_2 In the Description field, you can put some notes, information on the data source.

img_3 In the Type field, you can specify the type of data source without going back to the previous tab. Depending on the selected type, parameters can be changed.

img_4 In the Connection String field, you can specify the connection string to connect to the database. Also, this field has some controls.



img_1 Calls the Connection String Wizard. This control is available for specific data types.

img_2 The command Clean Connection String removes all information from the connection string field.

img_3 The command Test sets the test connection to the data storage.

img_4 When you select this command, a pattern of a corresponding connection will be inserted.


Once the connection is created, you should retrieve data from the data source. You can do this in the following ways:

strel11 Select the Import Data command;

strel11 Select the New Query command.